
Glaucoma Awareness Week 2019
More than 300,000 Australians are thought to have glaucoma, but only 50% have been diagnosed; and if you have a first degree relative with glaucoma, there is up to a 50% chance that you will have it too?
If someone in your family has glaucoma, the message is very clear – go get your eyes tested, it’s easy and it just might save your eyesight.

Can I use my own frame?
Do you have a frame that you love and want to have new lenses put into it?
YES we can fit new lenses into an existing frame if it meets the following conditions:
– on inspection there is no visible damage
– the frame is in good condition
– the material/style is suitable for the lens type required

Sore, Dry Eyes? We can help!
We are excited to be the ONLY Optometry practice in the Bunbury region to be offering clinical treatments for people suffering from dry eyes.
Dry eye occurs when there are not enough tears on the front of the eye to lubricate effectively.

Concerned about your contact lens waste?
We have partnered with Terracycle to be a drop off location for the South West.
Even if you make the effort to put your contact lens packaging in your own recycling often they get filtered out due to their small size, and end of in land fill.

Back to School
Are your child’s eyes ready for the classroom?
Healthy vision is important for your child’s educational, physical and social development and to help them reach their full learning potential.
Did you know that 1 in 5 children has an undetected vision problem?
With 80 per cent of all learning experienced through vision, it is no surprise that children with undetected vision problems often fail to progress well in school.

Use it or Lose it……. your Optical Benefits that is!
Have you been paying premiums all year for your health fund benefits?
Most private health fund entitlements expire on December 31 and do not carry over to next year.
Don’t let these premiums go to waste, book in an eye test today and make the most of your optical benefits! If you have a current prescription simply come in store and choose from our large range of NO GAP frames.

Springtime and Itchy Eyes
As many of us welcome spring, others dread it. That’s because they know they’re in for months of red, sore, and itchy eyes.
Around one in seven Australians suffer from hay fever. Are you one of them?
If so, you’ll know that, as well as a runny nose (which is called allergic rhinitis), the eyes are also affected.
This is a condition that’s known as allergic conjunctivitis. But, of course, the world knows it by the more familiar name of hay fever.

World Sight Day 2018
World Sight Day (WSD) is an annual day of awareness held on the second Thursday of October, to focus global attention on blindness and vision impairment. It is the most important advocacy and communications event on the eye health calendar and a great time to engage with the world at large.

Vision and Driving
Vision is important when you are driving as it means you will be able to judge all the potential hazards and ensure you keep yourself, as well as other road users, safe. The risks of crashes increase when driving with impaired vision.

Eyelash Extensions – what are the risks for your eyes?
False eyelashes have been part of many a woman’s beauty kit for decades, but the new craze is for semi-permanent eyelash extensions.
Unlike regular false eyelashes, where you have synthetic lashes applied to your eyelid and then (easily) removed afterwards, eyelash extensions are applied individually, directly to the natural eyelash with a bonding agent, and can last (with care) for up to six weeks. This means you can leap out of bed looking like a celebrity without touching a mascara wand, but the downside could be an eye infection or worse if the person applying the lashes hasn’t had adequate training or isn’t using the right equipment.

Small Business Awards 2018
Eyes@Australind were excited to be named as finalists for the 2018 Small Business Awards South West. The categories we were nominated in were:
– Retail Award
– Community Engagement Award
– Innovation Award
– Small Business with 5-10 Employees
– Employee of the Year (Jasmine Meyers)
We had an amazing night, held at the Lighthouse Resort in Bunbury. There was over 300 people in attendance, representing local businesses as well as media and Local Government Members.

Have you been thinking about contact lenses??
Do you wear glasses? If you do you may not realise what contact lenses can do for you! Here is a great list of advantages of contact lenses over glasses – many people choose to wear both!

May is Macula Month (1 – 31 May 2018)
May is Macula Month and the perfect time to learn if you’re at risk of macular disease.
If you’re over 50 you are at higher risk of age-related macular degeneration, and everyone with diabetes is at risk of vision loss from diabetic eye disease.
By adopting the healthy habits below you will help minimise your risk of vision loss from macular disease, whether you have been diagnosed with the disease or not.

School Vision Screenings
Did you know we have started a new FREE community service to our local schools?
We are offering FREE vision screening clinics, held at the schools for all Year 1 students.
We would like to offer this service because basic screenings are done by health nurses during Kindy, however vision can change as the child grows, and sometimes vision problems are missed. Good vision is an important factor in a child learning, we can also provide some fact sheets for teachers and parents on vision and learning.

Don’t let Diabetes steal your sight!
If you have diabetes, it is likely that you will develop some changes to your eyes.
Diabetes sometimes causes the focusing ability of the eye to weaken or to vary from day-to-day however; this problem eases when blood glucose levels are stable.
Diabetes can also cause vision loss from Diabetes Retinopathy (damage to the very small blood vessels on the back of the eye).
Diabetic Retinopathy

Back to School… are your kids ready for the best chance at learning this year?
We all have back to school shopping lists:
– buy school shoes
– get school supplies
– new lunch box
Something very important is missing from the list: making appointments for comprehensive eye exams for your children! Even if there are no complaints over the summer about blurry vision or headaches, children still need to have frequent eye exams. Just like their bodies are rapidly growing, children’s eyes are changing as well.

Wellness Wednesday – preserve your eye health at work!
Help preserve your eye health with these “5 Steps to Relieve Digital Eye Strain at Work,”

World Glaucoma Week 2017
World Glaucoma Week is coming and we would love to invite YOU to attend our Morning Tea!
On Tuesday the 14th March between 9-11am join us for coffee, cake and a state of the art OCT retinal scan (valued at $85!), all for a gold coin donation!