Glaucoma Awareness Week 2019
More than 300,000 Australians are thought to have glaucoma, but only 50% have been diagnosed; and if you have a first degree relative with glaucoma, there is up to a 50% chance that you will have it too?
If someone in your family has glaucoma, the message is very clear – go get your eyes tested, it’s easy and it just might save your eyesight.
Anyone may develop glaucoma, but the incidence increase with age. About 1 in 10,000 babies are born with glaucoma, by age 40 about 1 in 200 have glaucoma, rising to 1 in 8 at age 80.
Permanent blindness from glaucoma is a tragedy that’s largely preventable.
Help us spread the message and let’s make Australia #GlaucomaAware
Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease and is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in Australia
Known as the ‘silent thief of sight’ glaucoma develops slowly and often without any symptoms, leaving people undetected until the disease
reaches an advanced stage. Left untreated, it can cause vision loss and may even lead to blindness.While vision loss can’t be restored, early diagnosis and treatment can delay or halt the progression of the disease. That is why it’s so
important to detect the problem as early as possible.It is estimated that there are 300,000 Australians living with glaucoma, but over 50% are unaware they have it, thinking they have healthy
eyes.Glaucoma is hereditary – you are 10x more likely to have glaucoma if you have a direct family member with glaucoma.
First degree relatives of a person with glaucoma have an almost 1 in 4 chance if developing glaucoma in their lifetime, and that risk increases
to almost 50% if their glaucoma is advanced. So knowing your family health is important.
So, if you are 40 years or older with a family history of glaucoma, or over 50 with no family history, please make an appointment with your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam.