World Sight Day 2018

World Sight Day (WSD) is an annual day of awareness held on the second Thursday of October, to focus global attention on blindness and vision impairment. It is the most important advocacy and communications event on the eye health calendar and a great time to engage with the world at large.

World Sight Day 2018 is on 11 October 2018.

It’s that time of year again when Optometry Giving Sight invites all people who value good vision to take the World Sight Day Challenge.

The World Sight Day Challenge is a major fundraising campaign coordinated by Optometry Giving Sight designed to raise funds for projects that provide training, establish vision centres and deliver eye care services.

There are more than 1.2 billion people around the world who of are blind or vision impaired because they don’t have access to an eye exam and a pair of glasses. This includes millions of children whose futures depend getting the vision correction they need to learn at school.

The Challenge will run throughout October – with World Sight Day being celebrated on Thursday October 11th. On this day ALL fees from our eye exams will be donated to this cause – so please book in!

It’s easy to show your support by just making a tax-deductible donation online via their website OR you can drop in store and place some money in our donation box, or enter our jellybean guessing competition for a gold coin donation!


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