Covid-19 precautions

With life proceeding as a new kind of normal with the current coronavirus pandemic we would like to let our valued patients know of our services and the measures we have put in place for everyone’s safety.

First of all we are still OPEN and here to support our community and your vision requirements. If you wish to make a routine exam we recommend you postpone this for a few months. However we do want to see you if you have any of the following:

– sudden change in your vision
– pain or discomfort in your eyes
– new onset double vision
– recent eye trauma
– eye or vision issues that are effecting your ability to function day to day
– you have lost or broken your glasses or damaged your lenses and you need a new pair

How we are protecting our staff and you:

– disinfecting of all surfaces and touch points in between every patient
– all frames and sunglasses are disinfected prior to being placed back on the shelf
– full consultation room clean in between in each patient
– our optometrist is wearing a mask for all consultations
– a breath shield has been installed on our consultation equipment
– strict social distancing measures in store, with markers placed on floor
– all customers to sanitise their hands on arrival in store

Above all we are here to support our community throughout this pandemic. Please call us if you wish to book an appointment on 9796 1966


OPEN for Business as usual – book your eye exam today!


Glasses, sport and safety!